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I think I’m my smart phone. These days, I’ve been spending time on Kak ao T alk.
Are you famil iar with this? y classmates and I use its group chatting feature to after school. There are about!' People in our group and guess what?
#ne of my classmates invited Kyle, so he’s now part of our group$%e does n’t talk much, but when he does, I get so. I think he’s really cool and.%i s makes us laugh, too. 'ut because I’m always on my phone, I’ve been my studies. (ast week, I had a math test. As you know, Andy, math is my worst.
I wanted to study e&tra hard, but I kept getting by my phone. I ended up doing really poorly on the test.%ow can I cure my smartphone? *martphone addiction is a serious problem.
I think you should set some so you’re not always glued to your phone. +hy don’t you try giving your smartphone to your parents for a few hours? uring that time, you can study and what you have to do. (ike studying for your math test$ -ou can be good at math, ina. -ou )ust need to change your.